Here is your reading task for the day. Good luck!
Read this extract from My Friend Walter and then answer the questions.
My Friend Walter ‘yes, but then I heard a man’s voice,’ Gran went on. ‘Clear as daylight, it was.’ ‘I probably had my radio on,’ I said. I’m quite good at thinking quickly when I have to. ‘Well, it didn’t sound like a wireless to me,’ Gran said. And luckily and argument developed as to whether a wireless should be called a wireless anymore, or whether it should be called a radio or transistor; and the question of a man’s voice in my room was forgotten. It was too close for comfort though, so my friend Walter and I decided that in the future we should talk in the house only in an emergency, and then always in a whisper. As it turned out, though, it was Humph not Gran who proved to be the greatest danger. Humph seemed to be able to sense Walter’s presence whenever he was in the room, and he would stiffen, hackles raised, and set up a furious barking with intermittent thunderous growling. Once or twice he even bared his teeth – something he had never been known to do before. No one could understand it. At first they put it down to the fact that Will was away at camp, and that perhaps Humph was missing him. Mother became so worries she called in the vet who examined Humph carefully and pronounced that he might have a middle ear infection, causing him to lose his balance and hear things that weren’t there. So poor old Humph had to have drops poured down his ear three times a day. In the end though I managed to find a way around even this problem. I ‘borrowed’ some scraps of meat from the larder and I told Walter that the only way to Humph’s heart was through his stomach, which was quite true.